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  • Tue, June 13, 2017 9:02 PM | Anonymous member

    Crestwood Mobilizes on School Boundaries
    Association Backs Up Call for “Equal or Better” Schools
    With Petition, Statement, Testimony and Facebook Page

    Crestwood residents are answering a Call To Action following the release of a draft proposal June 12 as part of the DC Student Assignment and School Boundary Review Process by the Deputy Mayor of Education (DME) and a 23-member community Advisory Committee.

    The DME’s plan would eliminate the right of Crestwood children to attend Alice Deal Middle School and Wilson High School. Instead, neighborhood children and teens would be redirected to a new MacFarland Middle School and a renovated Roosevelt High School—without any guarantees that the course offerings and education quality would match what has been historically available to Crestwood students at Deal and Wilson.

    A Crestwood Citizens Association (CCA) Working Group of about 20 parents agreed on a statement directed to the Committee and the Deputy Mayor for Education which “strongly supports every effort to improve schools across Washington, DC” but insists that “the burden of the success of this effort…cannot rest on the shoulders of the children of Crestwood:”

    “Until Crestwood families have confidence their children are being presented alternate middle school and high school options of equal or better quality than our historic right schools, the children of Crestwood must maintain their historic right to attend Alice Deal Middle School and Woodrow Wilson High School. Forcing our children to attend a middle and high school that are not high performing, with measurable data that includes test scores, attendance rates, nationally and internationally recognized academic programs, with highly qualified teachers, will be detrimental to our families, our community, and our City.”

    The Working Group notes that the alternatives to Deal and Wilson have a long way to go. MacFarland Middle School was closed in 2013 due to under-enrollment and low performance. The latest figures for Roosevelt High School show that just 20% of all students were performing at or above grade level in math and 21% in reading – compared to 60% and 61% for Wilson. Roosevelt offers 7 AP classes vs. 26 for Wilson. Crestwood is also the only neighborhood to have been singled out to lose access to both Deal and Wilson – and neighborhoods geographically further away from Deal and Wilson have maintained their right to these schools.

    CCA President Karen Howard, Working Group members Dena Moglia and Natasha Shields and ANC 4A08 Commissioner Gale Black testified Thursday (June 26) at the City Council’s oversight roundtable on school boundaries. The DME is soliciting feedback through July 12 using a form available at

    Here is more of what you can do:

    • Sign the petition supporting Crestwood’s historic access to Deal and Wilson. If volunteers have not knocked on your door with the petition, sign it electronically at
    • Encourage your neighbors to the sign the petition
    • Reach out to DC politicians, including Ward 4 Councilperson Muriel Bowser (202-724-8052) and David Catania, who chairs the Council’s Education Committee (202-724-7772)
    • Volunteer your time and energy to get the word out. Contact the Working Group at and visit the new Facebook page:

    July 4th Is Crestwood Parade Day!

    A Crestwood tradition continues this Friday with the annual 4th of July Parade, organized by the Crestwood Citizens Association Kids Team.

    Gather around 9:30 a.m. in front of 1810 Shepherd Street. Munch on some muffins and bagels and grab some coffee and juice - as the kids decorate their bikes, scooters, strollers, wagons and other conveyances.

    The parade begins at 10 a.m. around the block formed by Shepherd, 18th and Taylor Streets and Argyle Terrace.

    Everyone in the community is welcome to walk or take a seat and cheer on the parade! Please spread the word to your neighbors. If you would like to become involved with planning Kids Team events, please contact Nicole Ruman Skinner.

    Note from the President

    I love summer in Crestwood. As a Midwesterner, I'm happy with heat, humidity and the evening sound of cicadas. But I'm also happy that we've had the windows open so much this spring and that my neighbors are out enjoying each other’s company. While I am new to the position of Crestwood Citizen Association President, I am not new to Crestwood. A DC resident of more than 30 years, my husband and I moved here when I was pregnant with my daughter 20 years ago. We have two DCPS graduates who are now in College and two mutts who think they own this place. It's an honor to follow Gale Black and her 10 years of leadership; a pleasure to serve such a lovely group of people with amazing talents and rich diversity.

    My goal for the CCA is to bring it close to your home. Make sure you know what the CCA is doing for you, put a bit more structure around the amazing work being done for so many years, and support what I believe is a collective desire to strengthen the bond in our community. Here's an update from our June 24 Board meeting.

    The new CCA fiscal year began June 1. That means you can pay your dues now ($25/family household, $20/single household) to ensure your inclusion in the next neighborhood directory scheduled for print in the second quarter of 2015. Dues payments can be mailed (or hand delivered) to Treasurer Ellen Wormser at 1950 Upshur Street. Updated information for the directory, especially changes in email addresses, can be submitted HERE.

    Our budget includes funding for

    • The great efforts of our Kids Team event coordinators - including the upcoming July 4 parade. Every year I've watched the parade get bigger with more young families moving into Crestwood. Please join us along Shepherd Street at 9:30 for munchies, or watch along the “parade route” at 10.
    • Supporting our Green Team volunteers who over the past 7 years have worked with Casey Trees securing more than $100,000 in grants to enhance our tree canopy.
    • Sponsoring the Annual Pot Luck Picnic - mark your calendar for the Sunday after Labor Day.
    • Holding a neighborhood Holiday party - too early for those details!
    • And, of course, the Crestwood Directory.

    Special thanks to everyone's efforts and interests relating to the school boundary discussion. It is heartening to see such thoughtful reflection on issues not only impacting our children, but the future of our City.

    We are actively looking for new ways to involve you so please feel free to share your ideas and thoughts.

    With gratitude,
    Karen Howard

    Green Team Meets July 10 to Help
    Keep Crestwood Natural and Beautiful

    The Association’s Green Team invites you to an evening of fun, conversation and planning Thursday, July 10th, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

    Get together at the home of Doug Barker and Sam Kilpatrick at 1901 Quincy Street to discuss a variety of Green issues, including:

    • The future of the Tree Team’s tree planting project
    • A new initiative to save trees from invasive English ivy
    • The possibility of a Crestwood Garden Tour
    • A new push for the proposed rain garden at the foot of 17th Street at Shepherd
    • Those super bright, glaringly bluish white LEDs proposed for our street lights

    You can also get a look at Doug and Sam’s new photovoltaic solar panel system and learn from their experience about costs and payback information.

    Putting Power Lines Underground
    Plan Filed with PSC Includes Part of Crestwood

    In a three-year plan submitted June 18 to the Public Service Commission, Pepco and DDOT proposed to bring some primary power lines underground, with work starting by next spring on the city’s five worst-performing electric distribution feeders.

    One of them is #15001, which serves 1,344 customers in 16th Street Heights and parts of Crestwood. The Pepco map printed below shows that underground lines will come west into Crestwood via Decatur Street, with further underground lines along Blagden Avenue, Blagden Terrace, Colorado Avenue, 16th Street and 17th Street, along with some short alley segments.

    The rest of the neighborhood depends on a different feeder, #15197, which comes west into Crestwood along Webster Street. It is not part of the three-year plan.

    Secondary lines will not be put underground. Nearly all poles will remain in place. There are no current plans to allow telephone and television cables to go underground with the Pepco lines. Only the primary lines and major lateral lines will disappear from view, along with the equipment associated with them – such as overhead fuses, switches and transformers. The staging areas – where equipment and materials will be piled up – have not been identified.

    The DC law that mandated bringing overhead lines underground authorized Pepco to recover its costs by adding an Underground Project Charge to electric bills throughout the city. As proposed, a typical residential customer would pay 18 cents per month in the first year, 49 cents per month in the second year and 84 cents per month in the third year. DDOT will also file to add a second surcharge to electric bills to pay for debt service on municipal bonds to be issued by the District to help fund undergrounding costs that are DDOT’s responsibility.

    The PSC will hold public hearings between July 21 and July 31 to receive comments from residents of Crestwood and the other affected communities. Comments can also be filed with the Commission through August 18.

    History Right Up the Street:
    Marking the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Stevens 
    A battle within earshot of our neighborhood nearly resulted in the sacking of Washington
    and the wounding of Lincoln

    Don’t miss the ceremonies commemorating the only battle of the Civil War fought in DC - and the only time a sitting U.S. President was fired upon on the battlefield. Union troops arrived just in time to save Washington from being overrun at the Battle of Fort Stevens. Perhaps that is why the battle is so little remembered today. But this year the event will be commemorated with a full weekend of activities nearly at your doorstep.

    Not only is the fort located just northeast of Crestwood, but - on his way to the battle on July 11, 1864 - Abraham Lincoln went by carriage from the White House along old Piney Branch Road. That means he came through our neighborhood (if you were at what is now the corner of 17th and Shepherd Streets, you could have watched him ride past).

    Follow this link to learn about the commemoration activities

    CCA Historian David Swerdloff participated in a pre-anniversary evening on June 25, telling a crowd at the Fort Stevens Recreation Center about the role played 150 years ago by Piney Branch Road and the Argyle estate that went on to become Crestwood. Those stories and more are part of his book on Crestwood history, which is still available online from Amazon orPolitics and Prose â€“ or directly from the Association (only a few copies left). All proceeds benefit the Crestwood Citizens Association.

    [Photo: Fort Stevens in 1865 – Library of Congress]


    Crestwood residents have forwarded us names of neighbors who deserve ShoutOuts:

    • Thanks to Andrea Lachenmayr and Tom Russell for pushing for the new curbs along Upshur Street and 17th Street.
    • Thanks to Alejandra Noursi, Amanda Pezalla and the other neighbors on Upshur Street and Trumbull Terrace who organized a block party earlier this month.
    • Tell us who else in Crestwood deserves some recognition. Send your ShoutOuts here.

  • Tue, June 13, 2017 9:00 PM | Anonymous member
    Newsletter of the Crestwood Citizens Association              May, 2014

    Visit the Crestwood website, - it's full of useful neighborhood information!

    Deputy Mayor Abigail Smith to Appear at May Meeting

    Association Focused on By-Right School Assignments

    Wed. May 21, 7pm , Grace Lutheran Church, 16th & Varnum

        Deputy Mayor for Education Abigail Smith has confirmed she will be attending the annual meeting of the Crestwood Citizens Association, Wednesday May 21st at 7 pm at Grace Lutheran Church, 16th & Varnum Streets NW.
        Deputy Mayor Smith is leading the city’s effort to formulate a new policy governing how students are assigned to DC Public Schools. She will explain the Student Assignment and School Boundaries Review Process, and hear the concerns of the neighborhood.
        In advance of the meeting, the Association has submitted to Ms. Smith’s committee a letter [see below in The Crest] that details what we believe must be incorporated into a credible boundary and feeder plan. The Association letter is built around these principles:
        ✔ Predictable, by-right school assignments at every level
        ✔ Elementary school boundaries that assign all of Crestwood to Powell
        ✔ Continued inbound right to attend Deal Middle School and Wilson High School until equal or better alternatives are available
        ✔ Development of a high-quality middle school in Ward 4
        ✔ Revitalization of Roosevelt High School
        The letter makes clear that no reassignment of Crestwood students should take place until the alternatives match the curriculum and program offerings at Deal and Wilson. The Association would like to work with Deputy Mayor Smith and neighborhood groups throughout the city to advance these goals.

        Members will also elect officers for the coming year. The Association is looking for a fresh group of neighbors to come forward as new leaders. Let the Board know of your interest to serve as President (or Co-President), Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer… as Captain or Co-Captain of one of our Teams (Green, Social, Kids, Communications, Public Safety, Issues) or as liaison with Aging-In-Place initiatives such as the East Rock Creek Village. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
        The meeting will hear about the latest plans for tree plantings and the upcoming anniversary of Rock Creek Park. And please look over the Crestwood Neighborhood Plan; the Association would like to update this document, which informs the Mayor and Council members exactly what our priorities are. (See

    Why become active in the Crestwood Citizens Association? Your participation will help us:
    • Stand up for Crestwood schoolchildren by speaking with one voice on DC Schools Assignment issues
    • Insist on performance standards that must be met by DC Water in its plan to control the combined sewer overflow so that Rock Creek and Piney Branch are protected
    • Have Broad Branch Road rebuilt as soon as possible and repair deteriorating Crestwood streets
    • Maintain our network of families connected through the Association’s Kids Team, which also plans the annual Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July Parade and Halloween Party
    • Continue to document and enhance the neighborhood’s tree canopy through the Crestwood Tree Project, organized by the Association’s Green Team in partnership with Casey Trees
    • Enhance the community list-serve and Association email network so that neighbors have quick access to the latest developments in crime, zoning, transportation and taxation
    • Update the Crestwood Directory
    • Support local Aging-In-Place initiatives
    • Follow up our successful effort to unite Crestwood into a single ANC district by also making the neighborhood a single voting precinct with a polling place within Crestwood

    Come to the meeting May 21!

    Association Letter on School Assignment Policy

    The Crestwood Citizens Association has sent a letter to the committee that will be recommending new DCPS policy on school assignments and boundaries. The Association emphasized that school boundaries and feeder patterns are extremely important to the residents of Crestwood—and listed the principles printed on page one of The Crest. Here are excerpts of the discussion that followed:
        The Crestwood Citizens Association supports predictable, by-right school assignments at every level. Options for residents to choose alternative DCPS schools should be in addition to predictable assigned schools, not a replacement. Any solution that leaves DCPS school selection to a lottery is unacceptable.The Crestwood Citizens Association supports predictable, by-right school assignments at every level. Options for residents to choose alternative DCPS schools should be in addition to predictable assigned schools, not a replacement. Any solution that leaves DCPS school selection to a lottery is unacceptable.
        The Association supports uniting the entire neighborhood— bordered on three sides by Rock Creek Park and 16th Street in the East—within a single elementary school boundary. The Association has found a strong preference among Crestwood residents to be assigned to Powell Elementary School rather than West Education Campus. Powell has made significant outreach to Crestwood and Crestwood residents either attend Powell currently or have plans to do so. As such, the neighborhood has ties to Powell that do not exist with West.
        The Association strongly opposes any student assignment policy that results in residents being assigned to a school that is not equal or better quality than current schools. Two of the preliminary proposals suggested by the Deputy Mayor for Education would reassign Crestwood from Alice Deal Middle School to small education campuses. The third assigns the neighborhood to a non-existent middle school. Similarly, Crestwood is reassigned from Wilson High School to either Roosevelt High School or subject to a city-wide lottery. The Association will only support proposals that establish predictable, by-right schools at every level and will not support solutions requiring unpredictable lotteries. Roosevelt High School is currently undergoing renovation and shows signs of making academic progress. However, it is currently not an acceptable alternative to Wilson.
        Crestwood residents and the Crestwood Citizens Association are aware of the overcrowding problems affecting Deal and Wilson. We would welcome high-quality middle and high schools in close geographic proximity to the neighborhood. Currently, such options do not exist, but we would enthusiastically join a process to develop such schools. We understand the importance of strong feeder relationships and see the linkage of high-performing elementary, middle, and high schools as being essential to the success of all three. A high-quality middle school would contribute to Powell's ability to retain students and would feed prepared, high-achieving students to Roosevelt. Roosevelt's curriculum and program offerings could be strengthened to provide a challenging and fulfilling environment for students feeding from the new middle school. While it may take several years, schools that rival Deal and Wilson could be developed. At such time, Crestwood residents would welcome the opportunity to attend such schools.
        While Crestwood residents and the Association encourage the development of high quality education options close to the neighborhood, we recognize that this will be a multi-year effort. During the transition, it is of the utmost importance that Crestwood retain its traditional rights to attend Deal and Wilson. Reassigning residents from Deal and Wilson to options that are not better or equal will result in residents severing ties with DCPS. This could be by switching to private schools or public charter schools or even moving from Crestwood to Maryland or Virginia. Residents simply will not take chances with the education of their children.
        Therefore, the Crestwood Citizens Association calls upon the Deputy Mayor to move forward with plans to unite the entire neighborhood within a single elementary school boundary assigned to Powell Elementary School, to continue inbound rights for Crestwood residents to attend Alice Deal Middle School and Wilson High School, to pursue the development of a high-quality middle school in Ward 4, and the revitalization of Roosevelt High School into a high-quality alternative to Wilson High School.

    NOTE: School assignment/boundary policy will also be the main topic at the meeting of ANC 4A Tuesday, June 3rd, 7 pm at Ft. Stevens Rec. Center, 1327 Van Buren St. NW

    Crestwood Crime Log

        Eight crimes were reported in Crestwood by the Metropolitan Police in April, up from six in March. The six-month average is 7.7; the 12-month average, 7.8. The largest increase was in Thefts, which rose from none in March to four in April.
        In the area marked as Near Crestwood (the part of Police Service Area 404 from 14th Street west to 16th Street), the eight crimes reported in April represented a drop from 12 in March. In PSA 404 as a whole, 48 crimes were reported in April, up from 40 in March. Thefts from Auto jumped to 20 (from 14 in March). Robberies increased to five (from one the previous month). Thefts remained high.
    Crestwood Crimes by Block (April)
    Thefts (4):
            1700 Crestwood Dr (Wed, 4/9, 1:30 pm)
            4900 16th St (Wed, 4/9, 9:45 pm)
            4400 17th St (Fri, 4/4, 12:00 am)
            4100 18th St (Sun, 4/20, 12:00 pm)
    Theft from Auto (2):
            1700 Taylor St (Sat, 4/19, 10:30 pm)
            4100 17th St (Sun, 4/20, 4:03 am)
    Stolen Auto (1):
            4300 16th St (Fri, 4/25, 12:10 pm)
    Burglary (1):
            4600 Argyle Ter (Sun, 4/13, 2:00 pm)
    Offense Total PSA404 Near Crestwood In Crestwood In Crestwood Mon - Thu In Crestwood Fri - Sun
    Assault 1
    Burglary 4 2 2 2
    Robbery 5 2
    Stolen Auto 2 1 1 1
    Theft 17 4 4 2 3
    Theft from Auto 20 1 2 2
    April Total 57 14 9 5 4
    Jan 2014 42 7 8
    February 2014 57 14 9
    March 2014 40 12 6
    Month PSA404 Near Crestwood In Crestwood
    Jan 37 14 5
    Feb 41 7 4
    Mar 28 10 4
    Apr 45 12 9
    May 67 15 4
    Jun3 57 7 4
    July 49 8 7
    Aug 74 23 8
    Sep 79 12 15
    Oct 61 14 9
    Nov 61 14 8
    Dec 52 13 7
    Totals 651 149 84

    Crestwood Fourth of July Parade

    Mark your calendars for the annual Fourth of July Parade, organized by the Association’s Kids Team. Children and adults gather at 9:30 a.m. July 4th on the 1800 block of Shepherd Street to mingle and decorate bikes, strollers and such, and then parade through the neighborhood. (The photo above shows part of the 2011 parade.) If you can help out this year, please contact Nicole Ruman Skinner, 1810 Shepherd Street.

    Tree Project into 8th Year

        The Association’s Tree Team is in the planning stages of its annual fall community tree planting—and they are looking for your help.
        The Tree Team, led by Doug Barker and Frank Samuel of the Association’s Green Team, is working little by little through the neighborhood—planting new trees to keep Crestwood green. The project is a partnership with Casey Trees, a non-profit dedicated to restoring DC’s tree canopy. We are starting our eighth year of working together, having already planted more than 200 trees—all donated by Casey Trees, and all native species selected for their beauty and their ability to thrive in our challenging climate.
        What we need for the autumn planting is interest from neighbors who could serve as block captains and organize their blocks. The Tree Team will select one to three blocks to focus on. Residents on those blocks will then get expert guidance on getting the right tree(s) in locations in their yards that could benefit.

    History Book Raises Funds
    First Printing Nearly Sold Out

        Crestwood: 300 Acres, 300 Years, the book published last year as a fund-raiser for the Crestwood Citizens Association, has already sold 180 copies, earning more than $2,600 for the neighborhood.
        The 130-page book tells the history of our community, with more than 200 photographs, maps, drawings, documents and news articles.
        You can still purchase copies from the first printing—and the entire $20 will go to the Association. Email the author at to order a copy. Or purchase on-line through Politics and Prose ( orAmazon.
        Talks dealing with Crestwood history are tentatively scheduled for June (in cooperation with the Alliance To Preserve the Civil War Defenses of Washington) and later this summer (in cooperation with Friends of Peirce Mill).
        The book has been supported by a DC Community Heritage Project grant through a partnership of the Humanities Council of Washington, DC and the DC Historic Preservation Office.

    In appreciation:

        The Association thanks Jeff Steele, Carrie Cohen, Amanda Pezalla and the other neighbors who have been leading Crestwood’s efforts on the DCPS school assignment issue. Thanks to George Chaconas for beautifying the area around the Crestwood signs at the foot of Mathewson Drive and installing and looking after the benches at The Point at 18th and Shepherd Streets.
        Thanks most of all to the Association’s long-serving President, Gale Barron Black, for providing the hard work, leadership and spark that have united and improved Crestwood in so many ways.     

    Gale writes:
    “Thank you for allowing me to serve the Association. It has been my honor; and many thanks go to those who have carried the Association to this point. It is now time to pass the baton. Nominations from Association members will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting on May 21st. Please stay involved.”

    16th Street Construction

        With the Kalmia bridge project wrapping up, DDOT is moving on to work on the bridge that takes 16th Street over Military Road.
        That construction will reduce 16th Street to one lane in each direction. There also may be times on weekends when 16th Street and/or the ramps to Military and Missouri are completely closed.
        Bids for the new bridge project are due on May 21st. DDOT says the contract will be completed in July “barring any difficulties.” The neighborhood should prepare for at least two months of delays.

    New DC Driver’s Licenses

        No, you don’t have to rush to the DMV to get a new license. City officials have reversed themselves over the issue of new licenses that conform to the federal REAL ID law.
        Your old license will remain a valid driver’s license until it expires. But there are two important points to remember.
        First, a REAL ID will eventually be required for boarding airplanes—in 2016 at the earliest—and to enter some federal facilities beginning in 2015. That means you may have to get the new driver’s license earlier or count on using a US Passport or other ID.
        Second, when you do renew your DC license, you will have to appear in person and bring with you more documentation than previously required. You will have to bring:

    • Your current driver’s license;
    • Proof of identity (such as a birth certificate or unexpired passport);
    • Proof of your social security number (such as a signed Social Security card or a pay statement, W-2 or 1099 with your full name and full SSN); and
    • Two documents showing your full address (such as utility bills, deed, lease, property tax bill or recent bank statement).

  • Tue, June 13, 2017 8:10 PM | Anonymous member

    1. Zoning Regulations

    The city has proposed comprehensive revisions and amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Seven hearings are scheduled for each of the subtitles. In addition to the problem noted above, probably of most significance to us, the city is permitting all houses to have an accessory dwelling (rent out your basement/garage apartment). Note, however, that the property has to be owner-occupied and would still be limited to the same number of people currently permitted (no more than 6 unrelated people.)

    The regulations deal with a varied range of subjects: height, setbacks, tree removal, parking, garages, etc. and it is very difficult to follow what is being proposed. For example, the section on residential housing says “non-residential business uses may be permitted such as a home occupation.” The list includes “sales” and “lodging.” “Lodging, however, is not defined, and one can assume that short term rentals are still not allowed. At the same time, the new rules prohibit “motor-vehicle-related” home occupations. So does resident who is a collector of vintage cars have a problem?

    There are also proposed changes to alley uses. It seems to suggest that parking in alleys would be permitted, especially for car-sharing spaces.

    Tree removal regulations are unbelievably complex and detailed and will affect, in all likelihood, properties such as the one on Mathewson Dr.

    The rules also allow for the relaxation of the rules for those who ask for an exception. If that doesn’t work, they can ask for a variance. It is thus unclear how we will be able to ensure that the permitted uses are consistent with and compatible to our neighborhood and quality of life.

    2. The City is proposing to move the voting place for all Crestwood residents to a less convenient location. 

    Rather than voting at Powell Elementary (precinct 47) or Sharpe Health School (precinct 48), the proposal would have all Crestwood residents vote at West Elementary at 1338 Farragut Street NW.

    The idea behind the new plan by the Board of Elections is to have precinct boundaries correspond with existing Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) Single-Member District (SMD) boundaries in order to reduce the cost of printing ballots and to allow all voters in one SMD to use a single polling place. However, the proposal would combine Crestwood's SMD (4A08) with 4C02, which extends to Georgia Avenue. Meanwhile, 4C03, 4C04 and 4C05 would get to vote within their neighborhood at Powell. With most of 4A08's records already at Powell, it would be more cost efficient and convenient to have all of Crestwood's voters go to Powell - especially since there is not enough time to implement the proposed changes before the city's April 1 primary election.

    Our message to the Board of Elections is that voters west of 16th Street should continue to cast ballots near to where they live - as they have for many years at Powell and Sharpe.

    A hearing will be held on Friday, October 18th at 10 AM in the Zoning Hearing Room, 2nd Floor South, One Judiciary Square.

    3. Although the crime rate in Crestwood is steady, the types of crime appear more threatening than the more common theft from auto.

    We have received notice of two home invasions in the past month. One of the homes (on Shepherd Street) was occupied by a senior. She was not harmed, but this is an alarming and new trend.

    4. Furloughs impact many in the neighborhood.

    Although it is hard to put an accurate count, judging from the directory entries, many in the neighborhood are federal employees or contractors who may be impacted by the shutdown.

    5. The Crestwood History Book will be going to print soon.

    David Swerdloff's book on the neighborhood's history, Crestwood: 300 Acres, 300 Years, is now being printed by Politics and Prose, with the help of a grant from the Humanities Council of Washington DC. A proof copy will be at the Crestwood Citizens Association meeting on October 15 (and you will be able toplace an order). All proceeds benefit the Association. So far, more than 80 books have been ordered, and they will be delivered by the end of the month. While the book will be available soon at Politics and Prose and on the store's website (and eventually on, the Association benefits much more when you order directly from our stock.

    6. Calendar


    • Tuesday, October 15th at 7 PM – 1950 Upshur (Member of Board of Ethics invited)
    • Sunday, October 27 – Annual Halloween event for children from 3:30 to 4:30 PM at the Point (18th and Shepherd)
    • Saturday, November 9th tree planting
    • Holiday Gathering, TBD, check with your block liaisons
    • December 24th at 6:00 PM Holiday Caroling


    • January – Meet and Greet for New Residents, TBD
    • Tuesday, February 18th – Winter CCA Meeting
    • Tuesday, May 20th - Spring CCA Meeting and elections and more – check the website or with your block liaisons
      – (We need more block liaisons and people willing to host events)

    7. New home construction the topic of an ANC meeting

    A new home construction permit was submitted to begin the construction of a new home on Mathewson Drive. The matter remains under review by the city.

    8. Tree Planting is scheduled for the 2nd Saturday in November

    Casey Tree planting -- Nov. 9 -- The plan and hope is to plant these trees as living legacies to those who have passed away during the past year. It’s remembrance weekend. We anticipate dedicating a tree to Doug Ford tree, as an example. We welcome additional suggestions and remembrances.

    9. PEPCO rate increase – should we oppose it?

    At the next ANC meeting on November 5th, the ANC 4A is schedule to discuss the request of PEPCO for a rate increase. The ANC has opposed the rate increases in the past. This topic is likely to be raised at our October 15th CCA meeting, as well.

    10. Community contacts – Whom to call for help?

    • 911 – for Police, Fire or ambulance emergencies
    • Call 311 or go online for the Mayor’s citywide Call Center for all city services, including missed trash, street light outages, to report blighted properties
    • 811 – before you dig – to locate gas lines
    • 202 442-STOP to report illegal construction or to get information for stop work orders
    • 800 677-1116 – Elder Care Locator
    • Your neighbors – see the Crestwood Directory and contact numbers on the back of it
    • 202 724-8052 – Council Member Bowser

    11. What you may have missed if you are not on Tom’s Chused’s email list:

    4th of July Kid's Parade and our end of summer Picnic.
    Kudos to tje organizers for the both the 4th of July and Sunday After Labor Day Street Picnic.
    All in the community were welcome to participate and it appeared that all enjoyed these events.

    The Annual Elections Meeting created a new Council. The Association voted to change the format, so that instead of electing officers, we now have a council of about 35 individuals who were elected to carry out or lead certain tasks. Instead of bi-monthly meetings, we ill meet quarterly. Former Board President Gale Black co-chairs the Council, along with newly elected Tyrone Boyd of Webster St. (Gale also continues wearing her ANC commissioner hat). We also agreed to continue the block liaisons, who serve as the eyes and ears on each block. Residents are welcomed to attend the monthly ANC meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

    To get on the list send an email to

    12. More information – See the Neighborhood Plan and website

    The revised Neighborhood Plan is on the Crestwood website. It identifies the policies that were voted as important to the community

    Potentially unlawful rentals – We have noticed some positive changes along Upshur, Blagden Avenue and Buchanan Street, but we need to hear whether the problem persists. Let Gale Black know.

    Is your street the next one for a cave-in? Noticed any cracks down the middle? If so, please call 311 and report them ASAP. The same goes for heaving or broken sidewalk pavement, along Upshur and elsewhere.

    Keep current with community crimes, concerns, even lost canines by subscribing to the Crestwood listserve. Folow this link to that section of the Crestwood website. Enter your information in the third section of that page.
    Thank you, to those who keep those communications coming and contribute to the listserve.

    And visit our website for upcoming events, photos from past celebrations, and numerous resources including the Crestwood Handbook of helpful resources, neighborhood history and c rime stats.

    Please welcome our new neighbors. Let us know who they are and send their contact information to They may not have joined the association and received their directory yet.

  • Tue, June 13, 2017 8:09 PM | Anonymous member

    Welcome to our many new neighbors who recently moved here and to our new births.
    As we gather together, we pause to remember the unimaginable loss suffered by the Newtown, Connecticut community. We may not be able to save the world, but we can brighten our little corner of it. Let us do what we can to bring peace and joy this season. Do 27 acts of kindness and generosity to honor those who are no longer alive. And, please, get to know your neighbors. Crestwood is not immune. We are all in this together.
    Gale Barron Black
    President, Crestwood Citizens Association and ANC4A08 Commissioner

    Seasons Greetings and Christmas Caroling 

    The Crestwood Citizens Association wishes everyone very happy holidays and a wonderful 2013!

    We are happy to send this invitation to Christmas caroling on behalf of Ed and Ann Sheridan:

    The caroling starts promptly at 6:00 PM on Christmas Eve, December 24, on our front porch at 3904 18th Street. The whole neighborhood is invited and often we have - depending on the weather - 40 or 50 people. Hot apple juice and cookies are served and promptly at 6:20 Santa comes out of the woods, crosses the street, passes out candy canes to the kiddies and then departs for the North Pole. The gathering is usually over by 6:45 so people can get home for Christmas Eve duties and joys. The tradition goes back for over 50 years and the Sheridans have had the gathering at their house for 40 years. The police from our District are invited to attend and if they are able, they have sent some officers in the past.

    Caroling will not be held if it is raining.

    All of Crestwood is welcome so please put it on your calendar and tell your neighbors, in case they don't receive these e-mails, to make sure they get the invitation information.

    Dues and Directory

    To those who paid their dues for 2012, we thank you. If you have not, please send your check to Ellen Wormser, treasurer of the association at 1950 Uphsur St, NW, Washington, DC 20011 or drop it off at that address. Make it payable to the Crestwood Citizens Association ($25 for families, $20 for single person household).

    We need updates from those of you who have not returned your email questionnaire. We want to make the directory as complete and accurate as possible. It facilitates social interaction, playgroups, etc. and is one of our public safety initiatives.

    Meeting of Crestwood Citizens Association

    Our first meeting of 2013 will be on Thursday, January 24, to avoid the holiday and Inauguration events. It will begin at 7 p.m. at 1761 Crestwood Drive. More information and the agenda will be provided later.

    Crestwood Tree Project Update

    The Association’s partnership with Casey Trees continued this year with three rounds of tree plantings — on the 1800 block of Varnum Street, the 1900 block of Shepherd Street and the 1800 block of Taylor Street. The goal of the project is to enhance and protect the canopy and understory trees that make Crestwood such a beautiful neighborhood. Through our partnership, we inventory the trees to identify where replacement trees are needed.

    Assocation Year End Report from out President

    At its November meeting the board listed its priorities for the neighborhood:

    1. Quality School Access
    2. Broad Branch restoration
    3. Safety upgrades on Blagden Avenue path
    4. Water Quality / Environmental Justice issues.

    Ironically, when the Board held its November meeting, we met in candlelight – because the lights went out at 5:07 PM and stayed out for 2 hours. We discussed our priorities and budget. In addition to continuing to serve as our civic organization, we want to do more to work on issues like landscaping, group purchasing, reaching out to seniors and others who may want assistance. Of course, public safety, PEPCO reliability and crime deterrence remain priorities.

    Many of us continue to work on getting access to a free, public, high quality education. Those efforts continue and we understand that the Chancellor of Education will be issuing a proposal in January.

    Zoning – we worked on the issue of allowing accessory dwellings. The Office of Planning will be holding additional meetings. The ward 4 meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2013, but no location has been set. We will let you know when we know.

    We are entering the season when there likely will be some dangerous inclement weather. Let’s look out for each other. If you need assistance with snow clearing or other needs (especially you seniors), let us know.

    During 2012, the Association held six community meetings. Our annual meeting was on Zoning. One of our recent meetings focused on schools and correcting the designation of our elementary school to align with our Deal Middle School and Wilson High School, which are Crestwood’s assigned schools. (Historically, student living on the west side of 16th Street, NW went to schools on the west side of 16th).

    The Association meets every other month, usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The Association organized the annual Fourth of July Kids Parade, the Sunday after Labor Day Picnic, Halloween Party, and Easter Egg Hunt. We thank Deb and George Chaconas for hosting the Association’s recent Holiday Social Open House.

    We worked to get our ANC to pay for installing pet waste bag dispensers and signs, which it did.

    Broad Branch Road was reopened. Now, we are pushing to make sure that the future restoration of the entire road within the park is done sooner rather than later and remains available for our use. The city is studying alternatives uses which might delay or stop the needed water remediation and repairs or change the configuration away from being a two-lane road for cars. We are concerned that the city is wasting time and money studying “alternatives” that are not feasible or beneficial.

    Friendly reminders: Please do not leave valuables in your car. Please keep the noise down, restrain your dogs and, if you must use leaf or snow blowers, look for quieter models.

    We will continue to keep in touch through the Crestwood website, through our own Crestwood email list and via the Crestwood list-serve. You can access all of these resources and more on the website.

    Have a wonderful 2013!

    Klingle Road Complaint Dismissed

    Five private citizens filed a complaint in U.S. District Court in D.C. to get the federal government to review the proposal to put a trail in the middle of Klingle Road. The federal government and the city asked for more time to respond to the 80-page complaint. The district court ruled that the DC Council “closed” the road in 2008 and that the Court was without authority to provide us with a remedy. In a 14-page decision, the Court dismissed the lawsuit and tip-toed away from the dicey issue. It acknowledged that there were procedural issues, but the Court said that only the DC Council could provide the relief by reversing its 2008 action.

    Crime Log: Thefts from Auto Still a Problem

    Thanks to Bev Ostenso, the latest crime stats for all Police Service Area 4 as well as the Crestwood part of it are published on a page of the Crestwood website and on the listserve. You will find suggestions there to reduce crime.

    The 4A08 File: Report from the Crestwood ANC

    ANC 4A meets on the first Tuesday of every month. The Commissioner for Crestwood (4A08), Gale Black, reports that these are among the issues she has been following for the neighborhood:

    1. Changes to the DC Zoning regulations. The city proposes to allow changes to the use of residential housing to permit rentals (accessory dwellings), eliminate parking, change the building height and density requirements in some areas, allow grocery stores and change the rules for at home businesses. ANC 4A questioned why some of these changes are necessary and what the impact will be on residents in single-family, primarily residential areas, like ours, which is zoned R-1 and R-2. The ANC passed a resolution. Commissioner Black participated at the meetings before the Office of Planning.
    2. Emergency Preparedness. Your ANC Commissioner participated with DC’s Emergency Preparedness officers regarding the draft plan for our area. We have work still to do on our own plan – which is another reason why we need to get the directory finished ASAP.
    3. New house planned on Trumbull. You may have noticed the new construction signs. Some of the necessary permit requests were submitted. This matter has not been raised with the ANC.
    4. ANC Redistricting. The Ward 4 Task Force adopted the recommendations of ANC 4A to unite all of census tract 26 under one ANC single-member district. Under the new borders of 4A08, the part of the neighborhood north of Allison Street is now united with the rest of the community starting with the 2012 election cycle. The Crestwood single member district (4A08) include all homes from Colorado Avenue south to Tiger Bridge (Piney Branch Parkway), between Rock Creek and the west side of 16th Street.
    5. The “doggy poop” signs and bags were also financed through ANC 4A for the benefit of the 4A08 area. The ANC also pushed for the repairs to the water-overflow at 17th and Taylor Streets, NW.
    6. Day Care. Amazing Life Games Daycare (16th and Varnum Streets) was granted the continuance of its permit to operate out of Grace Lutheran Church. ANC 4A supported that request.
    7. Broad Branch Road. The ANC 4A08 commissioner participated in a meeting over the summer regarding Broad Branch restoration and urged the Park Service to give its sign-off, which it did
    8. We continued to urge the city to address the dangerous overhanging branches on a number of our Crestwood streets. We had the DC Arborist attend one of our meetings.
    9. Grace Church. The Church is seeking historic designation. It is likely to garner the support of the Association because it would help protect and preserve this historic community resource.
    10. In addition, the ANC single-member district commissioner responds to requests for animal rescue, street light repairs, bulk trash pick-up, thefts and animal negligence. Residents can call to place service requests by calling 311 or making the requests online through the DC website.
    11. Repairs at 16th and Arkansas – There will be repairs to the sewer lines, which may disrupt traffic during non-rush hour times during the week.
    12. Repairs are also being proposed for Military Road and for the Kalmia Culvert – which could impact this area.
    For further information about the Crestwood Association or the ANC 4A08 that covers all of Crestwood, visit the website.

  • Tue, June 13, 2017 8:09 PM | Anonymous member

    Crestwood Citizens Association Annual Fourth of July Parade!!
    Wednesday, July 4, 2012

    9:30 am - to decorate bikes, strollers, scooters and enjoy breakfast munchies

    10:00 am - the Kid's parade will begin!

    Location - Gather in front of 1810 Shepherd St. NW. We will enjoy muffins, bagels, coffee, and juice while the kids decorate their bikes, scooters, strollers, wagons, and anything else they want to bring!

    Parade Route: The Parade will start at 1810 Shepherd Street heading east, then turn left onto 18th Street, left onto Taylor, left onto Argyle Terrace, left onto Randolph Street, left onto 18th Street, left onto Shepherd to finish at 1810 Shepherd.

    Everyone in the community is welcome to walk or take a seat and cheer on the parade! Please spread the word to your neighbors!

    If you are able to bring food or beverages, assist with bringing decorations, or distributing fliers for the parade, please contact Nicole Ruman Skinner

    Late News

    • Residents in the 1800 block of Taylor: Watch for the notification for a homeowners education session to plan for the Fall tree planting
    • Hold the date: September 9 will be our annual Sunday-After-Labor Day Street Picnic - 5 PM
    • A reminder: all dogs must be on leash at all times - there was a dog bite episode and several attacks this week

    Zoning Discussed at the Association’s Annual Meeting 

    The main subject of the May 15, 2012, association meeting was the proposed changes to DC’s zoning regulations. The regulations govern lot size, lot use, parking, height, width of building, distances between structures, and, most importantly for Crestwood, whether the neighborhood retains its current residential restrictions and uses. For example, we have professionals such as doctors and architects, and a day care center but no commercial establishments open to the general public.

    The current law recognizes Crestwood as a “Low Density Residential (R-1)” area, consisting of single family detached and semi-detached housing units with defined front, back, and side yard size. At the meeting there was much discussion about parking, the possibility of corner grocery stores and permitting Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Currently, each address is allowed by right: one dwelling unit and one ADU in the garage only for domestic employees; a minimum 8 foot side yard; maximum height of three stories or 40 feet. The proposed changes allow one ADU internally or in an accessory building; the current front setback requirement would be eased to be the same as the structure on the block closest to the street; and at least 30% surfaces pervious to rainwater, i.e., lawns and driveways paved with permeable materials.

    We recognize the potential benefits of permitting authorized ADU’s under certain conditions. These ADU’s might provide additional sources of income that would allow residents to afford to stay in the community or meet health needs they may have. However, we also want to preserve the character, look and scale of the current neighborhood. Therefore, we recommend the following regulatory provisions:

    1. Allow one ADU within the existing structure, rather than in garages or carriage houses.
    2. Limit ADU’s to one per lot or street address.
    3. An ADU cannot change the appearance or size of the existing dwelling.
    4. Include a size limitation of 300 to 800 square feet.
    5. Maintain current setback and side yard requirements.
    6. ADU entrances must be on the side or rear.
    7. The owner must occupy either the primary dwelling or the ADU.
    8. The total number of people occupying the street address cannot exceed the number permitted in the primary structure by the city’s definition of a “family.” DC law permits six unrelated people to reside with a dwelling as a “family.”
    9. There can be no separate sale of the ADU.
    10. The number of housing units should not exceed the number of existing units plus the number of unbuilt lots.
    11. Permit the currently allowed occupational uses, which emphasize a limited number of people coming and going and forbid public access.
    12. Existing residential uses should not be affected by possible buffer requirements - there would have to be a 100 foot buffer zone left around the perimeter of environmentally sensitive areas. For example, the house on Mathewson may not have been able to be built if this were a requirement.

    Turning to parking, we oppose the plan to reduce or eliminate parking minimums for the development of new residential units. This would increase the competition for street parking spaces, and the lack of parking availability near Metro stops, which limits Crestwood residents' ability to use the Metro. . Also, it is proposed to allow institutions, e.g. schools and churches, to increase their size by 10%, but it is not stated how often they could do that. Many neighborhoods in the area are already severely impacted by institutional parking.

    The website of the DC Office of Planning Zoning Update is

    Big Dead Tree is Gone

    The neighborhood awoke June 15 to the sound of heavy equipment taking down the huge, diseased tree at Shepherd and 18th St. The Association has been urging the city to remove that safety hazard for a long time. Several other dangerous trees has been removed in recent months but the city is always too slow to do the work. Tree (and other) problems can be reported by calling 311 or submitting a request at

    Crestwood Playgroup Formed

    Kimberly Tignor has formed a new Crestwood playgroup for young children and parents. For infomation please email or call her at 240-277-5119.

    New Contractor's Guide Available

    Thanks to Dominique Taylor the Crestwood Contractor List has been updated from neighbors' comments on the listserve. Please post your positive and negative experiences with contractors on the list and with new ones. We plan to keep the list current going forward.

    Crestwood Citizens Assocation Report

    We're working for Crestwood! Here is a partial list of the Association events during the past year:

    • Meeting with Hon. Mayor Vincent C. Gray
    • Meeting with PEPCO and People's Counsel
    • Fun holiday party
    • Meeting on sustainable garden design
    • Weed warriors cleared invasive ivy at the Point
    • Tree planting in collaboration with Casey Trees resulted in the planting of more than 30 new trees this year
    • Meeting with Rock Creek Park Superindentent Tara Morrison
    • Easter Egg Hunt at the Point
    • Piney Branch cleanup
    • Meeting with DC Office of Planning on Zoning Regulation Update
    • Doggy bags at several places in the neighborhood
    • Held our six regular bi-monthly meetings and the annual elections, as required by the Association bylaws

    The following projects are being worked on:

    • Continuing cleanup around the Point and behind Trumbull
    • Landscaping at selected intersections
    • Garden Tour (edible gardens, water featured gardens and native plants)
    • Street safety and speeding cars

    Crime Log: Thefts from Auto Our Biggest Problem

    Only three crimes were reported or documented in May in Crestwood.

    In Police Service Area 404 as a whole, 41 crimes were reported or documented in May.

    The Fourth District is led by Commander Kimberly Chisley-Missouri ((202) 715-7500, PSA 404 is led by Lieutenant Michael Whiteside (202-730-0601

    From May 1 through May 31, 2012

    Offense Total PSA404 Near Crestwood In Crestwood In Crestwood Mon - Thu In Crestwood Fri - Sun
    Assault 1
    Burglary 6 3
    Robbery 5 1
    Stolen Auto 6 3 1 1
    Theft 6
    Theft from Auto 17 4 2 2
    Total 41* 1 3 1 2

    * Data include 2 crimes in April (not in Crestwood), and exclude 2 in earlier months (not in Crestwood), that were not previously reported by MPD.

    Crestwood Crimes By Block:

    Thefts from Auto (2):

    3900 16th Street (Sun, 5/13, 6:00pm)
    4800 16th Street (Sun, 5/6, 4:00am)

    Stolen Auto (1):

    1600 Decatur St (Mon, 5/28, 6:30pm)

    Crestwood & Area Trends:

    -- In Crestwood (16th St. & west), 3 crimes were reported in May, down from a total of 4 in April.

    -- Also in Crestwood, 2 Thefts from Auto were reported in May (as in April), and it has been our most frequent crime for 4 successive months.

    -- Near Crestwood (PSA 404, 14th St. & west to 16th St.), 11 crimes were reported in May, up from 9 in each of the 3 prior months. Four crimes were on or near 14th Street (the same as in April).

    -- In PSA 404, 41 crimes were reported in May, up from 33 in April. There were 6 Burglaries (vs. none), and Thefts from Auto nearly doubled (up from 9). Other crime categories had smaller changes.

    Boundary Changes: The boundaries of PSA 404 changed 1/1/2012. Crestwood remains its westernmost area. However, PSA 404 is now smaller in area, and the 4th District has more PSAs.

    The 4A08 File: Report from the Crestwood ANC

    ANC 4A08 Commissioner Black (who also serves as President of the Association) is our single member district representative. This year, the ANC 4A08:

    • Paid for the renovation of the Crestwood signs at the bottom of Mathewson Drive
    • Testified on redistricting and uniting Census Tract 26
    • Commented on tax on interest on out of district municipal bonds
    • Facilitated repairs to 17th and Taylor
    • Helped get permit approvals for new home on Mathewson and renovations on 18th Street and license renewal for the Amazing Life Games to continue serving as a licensed day care center.
    • Klingle Road - ANC 4A opposes plan to convert this public street to a trial without motorists. This matter is now in litigation by a suit brought by five pro se individuals from Wards 3 and Ward 4.
    • Worked to add John Eaton to the in-boundary options for elementary schools (none of the current options would be removed. We are zoned for Deal Junior High School and Wilson High School and Easton is a feeder to those schools)

    About your Association

    The officers of the Crestwood Citizens Association for 2012-2013 are:

    President Gale Barron Black
    Vice President – CCA David Swerdloff
    Vice President – Green Team Doug Barker
    Vice Presidents – Social George & Deb Chaconas
    Secretary Kathy Frank
    Treasurer Ellen Wormser
    Communications & Website Tom Chused
    Kids Team Nicole Skinner
    Safety and Police John Ostenso
    Issues Gale Black

    This executive committee is also supported by a network of block contacts in Crestwood, who work on projects like neighborhood beautification, crime reduction, transportation issues, and community building through a strong neigbhor network. They are listed below:

    16th Street Viola Keyes
    Loretta Haynes
    San Luisa Barnes-Mosaid
    17th Street Doug Ford
    Roger Kranenburg
    18th Street Lois Dyer
    Jeff Steele
    Ann Sheridan
    Argyle Terrace Patricia Vaughn-Cooke
    Shirley Calhoun
    Eric Waters
    Lindamarie Koengeter Spaulding
    Blagden Avenue Andre Banks
    Blagden Terrace Ms. Harvey
    Leah Skrine
    John Seibert
    Crestwood Drive Gale Bentley
    Carla Brenner
    Mathewson Drive Fred Bosco
    Quincy Street Doug Barker
    George Chaconas
    Susan Butler
    Randolph Street Tom Chused
    Dianne Tyrance-Neal
    Shepherd Street Marsha Francis
    Nicole Skinner
    Jackie Jackson
    Kathy Frank
    Carla Koeffler
    Taylor Street Carol Browning
    John Fegan
    Jeff Hildebrand
    Trumbull Terrace David Swerdloff
    Upshur Street Karen Leonard
    Andrea Oakes
    Ellen Wormser
    Varnum Street Beverly Ostenso
    Webster Street Ed Darden
    Rev. Child
    Allison Street Elizabeth Crothers
    Marcia Howard
    Colorado Avenue Barbara Little
    Crittenden Bernard Fulton

  • Tue, June 13, 2017 5:32 PM | Anonymous member

    Join us!
    Crestwood Citizens Association meeting
    Tuesday, January 17 – 7pm
    1761 Crestwood Drive NW

    Winter Updates, Spring Dreams: Come to the Association meeting Tuesday 1/17 

    Our first meeting of 2012 is just days away.

    If you can’t wait for spring, come to the meeting and get valuable tips from our neighborhood’s gardening experts on how to design or add to your beautiful, sustainable garden…and share your own experiences. We will also get updates about the current crime situation (see the December crime log below) and about initiatives at the ANC level. We’ll announce the date of our next park clean-up day—probably in early February—to remove strangling vines from trees bordering Crestwood. And it’s a great opportunity to get together with your neighbors.

    The meeting is Tuesday, January 17th at 7 p.m. at 1761 Crestwood Drive. See you there!

    For our March meeting, we are inviting the new Superintendent of Rock Creek Park, Tara D. Morrison. We look forward to hearing about a variety of issues, including upgrades to the hiking/biking trail along Beach Drive, the environmental impact of Broad Branch Road reconstruction and how our community can work together even more closely with Park authorities.

    Crestwood Tree Project Springs Forward

    The Association’s partnership with Casey Trees continues this spring with a fourth round of tree plantings—this time on the 1800 block of Varnum Street and the 1900 block of Shepherd Street.

    The goal of the project is to enhance and protect the canopy and understory trees that make Crestwood such a special neighborhood. Through our partnership, we are inventorying the trees throughout the neighborhood, identifying where replacement trees are needed, planting new trees and making sure they are cared for.

    The Project will hold an education session for homeowners in the targeted blocks at 7 p.m. on January 23rd at the home of Stella Dawson, 1811 Varnum Street. This will be a time to learn about this program and the tree species that will be available free from Casey Trees. After that meeting, Association Green Team leader Doug Barker and Casey Trees forester Jeff Furr will be contacting homeowners on those blocks to select trees and tree planting locations in advance of filing tree requests with Casey Trees by February 8th. We expect a tree planting date sometime in March or April.

    As in the past, we expect that a limited number of trees may be available for homeowners outside of the three target blocks.

    If you have any questions about the tree project and our three previous plantings, please contact Doug Barker (, Frank Samuel ( or any of the other members of the project’s working group. They include Peggy Beers, Gale Black, Jolyon Bowman, Steve Klein, Betsy Kraft and the block captains involved in the new round of plantings: Stella Dawson (Varnum Street) and Kathy Frank (Shepherd Street).

    From the Association President: 2012 Greetings, 2011 Review

    Happy New Year and thank you for being such good neighbors. I wish you a safe, peaceful and interesting year. Make one of your resolutions to get, or stay, involved in your community. One person can make a huge difference. We need your support.

    We are entering the season when there likely will be some dangerous inclement weather. Let’s look out for each other. If you need assistance with snow clearing or other needs (especially you seniors), let us know.

    During 2011, the Association held six community meetings. The May meeting featured Mayor Vincent Gray, who addressed the community and answered your questions on such topics as Walmart, Walter Reed, ground water contamination, gridlock and ethics issues. Other meetings focused on schools, aging-in-place initiatives, PEPCO reliability, and environmental issues from solar power cooperatives to recycling. The Association meets every other month, usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

    The Association organized the annual Fourth of July Kids Parade, the Sunday after Labor Day Picnic, Halloween Party, and Easter Egg Hunt. We also thank Kathy and Arthur Frank for hosting the Association’s recent Holiday Open House. The Green Team pushed ahead with the Tree Project and park area cleanups. The Association installed benches at the Point at 18th and Shepherd Streets. And we worked to get our ANC to pay for restoring the Crestwood signs at the foot of Mathewson Drive and for installing pet waste bag dispensers and signs.

    We look forward to the reopening of Broad Branch Road (promised for early February), and will push to make sure the bridge is repaired on time and the future restoration of the entire road within the park is done sooner rather than later.

    Spring might seem far away. But it won’t be that long until we can again open our windows. The Association has received numerous requests that neighbors respect the peace and quiet. So please keep the noise down, restrain your dogs and, if you must use leaf blowers, look for quieter models and don’t power them up too early or too late in the day. Thank you.

    We will continue to keep in touch through the Crestwood website, through our own Crestwood email list and via the Crestwood list-serve. You can access all of these resources and more at

    Have a wonderful 2012!
    —Gale Black

    Klingle Road Complaint Filed in Court 

    Five private citizens filed a complaint in U.S. District Court in D.C. to get the federal government to review the proposal to put a trail in the middle of Klingle Road. The federal government and the city have asked for more time to respond to the 80-page complaint.

    Total Crime Down in December, But Thefts from Auto Still a Problem

    12 crimes were reported or documented in December in Crestwood, down from 13 in November. However, seven of these incidents were thefts from auto—continuing a trend that included multiple car break-ins on the night of November 29.

    In Police Service Area 404 as a whole, 49 crimes were reported or documented in December, down from 59 in November. Thefts from autos more than doubled to 24, although other thefts dropped dramatically.

    As of the first of the year, the Metropolitan Police realigned the boundaries of PSA 404. Crestwood remains within PSA 404, but the PSA now includes fewer total blocks. The area no longer extends as far to the east, ending at Georgia Avenue. But it adds new blocks—to Gallatin Street on the north side and Spring Road to the south. As a result, future data reported for PSA 404 will not be comparable to earlier figures.

    The PSA is led by Captain Kevin Anderson (202-715-7445) and Lieutenant Michael Whiteside (202-730-0601).

    Here are the December crime stats (also available on the Crestwood website):

    From December 1 through December 31, 2011

    Offense Total PSA404 Near Crestwood In Crestwood In Crestwood Mon - Thu In Crestwood Fri - Sun
    Assault 1
    Burglary 8 2 1 1
    Robbery 7
    Stolen Auto 2 1 1
    Theft 7 1 3 2 1
    Theft from Auto 24 5 7 3 4
    Total 49* 8* 12* 5 7

    * Data include one December crime documented by residents (in Crestwood) but not reported by MPD; and include one November crime (not in Crestwood), but exclude one pre-November crime (in Crestwood), not previously reported by MPD.

    Crestwood Crimes By Block:

    Thefts from Auto (7):

    1600 Shepherd St (Sat, 12/17, 4:00pm)
    1600 Varnum St (Mon, 12/26, pm)*
    1900 Upshur St (Sat, 12/17, 3:00am)
    4300 Blagden Ave (Wed, 12/21, 4:10am)
    4800 Blagden Ave (Thu, 12/15, 8:37am)
    4800 Blagden Ave (Sat, 12/17, 11:00pm)
    4400 16th St (Sun, 12/11, 11:00am)

    Theft (3):

    4300 Argyle Ter (Tue, 12/20, 1:25pm)
    3900 16th St (Wed, 12/14, 1:45am)
    4300 17th St (Fri, 12/16, 9:00am)

    Stolen Auto (1):

    1700 Varnum St (Sun, 12/4, 2:30am)

    Burglary (1):

    4900 16th St (Fri, 12/23, 2:30pm)

    The 4A08 File: Report from the Crestwood ANC
    (Advisory Neighborhood Commission Single-Member District, 4A08) 

    ANC 4A meets on the first Tuesday of every month. The Commissioner for Crestwood (4A08), Gale Black, reports that these are among the issues she has been following for the neighborhood:

    1. Changes to the DC Zoning Map. The city proposes to do away with the requirement that the Zoning Director certify, date and initial the official zoning map as accurate. The city also wants to have the GIS system (electronic) as the official map. ANC 4A questioned why these changes are necessary and what the impact will be on residents. Will the map still be consistent with the city’s zoning regulations? The ANC passed a resolution opposing the change and Commissioner Black presented the resolution to the Zoning Commission on December 22, 2011.
    2. Emergency Preparedness. Your ANC Commissioner has been in contact with DC’s Emergency Preparedness officers regarding the draft plan for our area. The city would like to hear from neighbors in our district on suggested ways to make the plan better. Please forward any idea you have in this critical area.
    3. New house on Mathewson Drive. You may have noticed the new construction, now in progress. The permits and plans were submitted and approved by the ANC in February of 2011.
    4. ANC Redistricting. The Ward 4 Task Force adopted the recommendations of ANC 4A to unite all of census tract 26 under one ANC single-member district. Under the new borders of 4A08, the part of the neighborhood north of Allison Street would be united with the rest of the community starting with the 2012 election cycle. The Crestwood single member district will include all homes from Colorado Avenue south to Piney Branch Parkway, and between Rock Creek Park and the west side of 16th Street.
    5. New Signs. The Crestwood signs at the foot of Mathewson Drive were refurbished and restored through an ANC 4A08 project to preserve a piece of our history. The “doggy poop” signs and bags were also financed through ANC 4A for the benefit of the 4A08 area. The ANC also pushed for the repairs to the water-overflow at 17th and Taylor Streets, NW.
    6. Group Homes. We are monitoring the placing of group homes and non-residential uses of the area.
    7. Day Care. Amazing Life Games Daycare (16th and Varnum Streets) is requesting the continuance of its permit to operate out of Grace Lutheran Church. It is expected that ANC 4A will support the request.
    8. Broad Branch Road. The ANC 4A08 commissioner participated in a meeting over the summer regarding Broad Branch restoration and urged the Park Service to give its sign-off. The repairs are supposed to be done within 45 days of December 19th.
    9. Trees. We continue to urge the city to address the dangerous overhanging branches on a number of our Crestwood streets. A list was submitted to the city in October. Some of us are still waiting.
    10. Fire at the Crestwood Apartments. On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, there was a fire at the Crestwood Apartments in a unit on the fifth floor. People living on the third floor, including a wheelchair-bound resident, were unable to leave. During fires, the elevator is shut off. This incident highlights the need for an evacuation plan for all residents. Firefighters had to climb up the side of the building to bring assistance to our trapped neighbor.
    11. In addition, the ANC single-member district commissioner responds to requests for animal rescue, street light repairs, bulk trash pick-up, thefts and animal negligence. Residents can call to place service requests by calling 311 or making the requests online through the DC website.
    12. Repairs at 16th and Arkansas – There will be repairs to the sewer lines, which may disrupt traffic during non-rush hour times during the week.
    13. Repairs are also being proposed for Military Road and for the Kalmia Culvert – which could impact this area.

    For further information about the Crestwood Association or the ANC 4A08 that covers all of Crestwood, visit the website.

  • Tue, June 13, 2017 5:31 PM | Anonymous member

    Crestwood Citizens Association Shepherds (and Taylors, Upshurs, Varnums) the Environment 

        Green issues dominated the January Association meeting.
        Along with an update on the Crestwood Tree Project, we heard from the President of the Mt. Pleasant Solar Co-op and learned the facts about recycling.
        Our Precious Tree Canopy
        The Association is pushing forward in its ten-year project to inventory all of Crestwood's trees and plant new ones to restore and enhance the neighborhood's tree canopy. For those of you in the blocks already inventoried and planted, please remember to water the new trees--the first two years are critical for fresh plantings. Tree bags are available. For those of you who would like to get your blocks on the schedule, please talk to your neighbors and contact Project Coordinators Doug Barker and Frank Samuel. Many thanks to the neighborhood volunteers and our partners at Casey Trees.
        The Association's Green Team is already planning for our next park cleanup on April 9th--so mark your calendars.
        Russell Klein from the DC Department of Public Works addressed the meeting and cleared up some misconceptions about recycling. Mr. Klein, Community Environmental Education Specialist from the DPW Office of Recycling, assured us that recyclables are, indeed, picked up separately from the trash. The trash and recycling trucks may look the same in order to hold down costs, he explained. But the recyclables are taken for sorting either to Capitol Heights or Elkridge, MD.
        We learned that what is recyclable in one jurisdiction may not be recyclable in another. For example, DC homeowners cannot recycle those plastic containers used for blueberries, strawberries and take-out lunches. Other no-nos include Styrofoam meat trays and foam packaging (including packing peanuts).* Compact fluorescent bulbs need to be recycled with your hazardous waste. Although the schedule used to be more frequent, hazardous waste will be accepted only the first Saturday of each month at the Fort Totten Transfer Station from 8 am to 3 pm. Those days you can also bring documents for shredding and e-cycle computers and other electronics. Mr. Klein also recommended as a good program for the re-use of your unwanted shoes and other items.
        Solar Co-Ops
        Anya Schoolman, President of the Mt. Pleasant Solar Co-op, explained how DC now has a dozen solar co-ops--and they have been responsible for 70 solar installations. She had good news and bad news. On the one hand, the number of companies who can provide solar panels has increased to as many as 12 or 15. However, government rebates and grants have been eliminated or cut back--so we cannot take advantage of the significant financial assistance that has been available in the past.
        Because we are a tree-shaded community, Ms. Schoolman told us that solar hot water might be a better choice for many Crestwood homes. But she also encouraged us to support her push for what is called "virtual net metering." Under such a program, instead of installing solar panels on our individual homes, we would band together and install panels on a school, church or other building that receives ample sunlight. Then we would be able to get credits on our individual power bills from the electricity generated by the panels. Ms. Schoolman encouraged us to get behind the effort to legalize such arrangements by supporting a Community Solar Gardens Bill before the City Council.
        To get on her organizations email list, write to

        Our Next Meeting
        Mark your calendars for our next Association meeting, April 19th at 1950 Upshur Street. The prospective topic is Aging-In-Place. We may also investigate a cooperative effort to collectively de-clutter our homes.
        The annual election meeting comes Tuesday, May 17th at Grace Lutheran Church. If you are interested in a leadership role in the community--or can recommend a neighbor--nominations will be taken in March for positions as officers and board members. We'll have more details on the agenda and our special guests.
        The Association hopes you have noticed some of the new amenities around the neighborhood. The doggie bag stations were funded by ANC 4A. The National Park Service delivered the picnic tables that are now available at the Point at 18th and Shepherd--and the Association purchased benches. As the warmer weather approaches, take advantage of them!
        Bird lovers are also noting the number of species spotted recently in Crestwood--and are asking you to make your yard a bird-friendly habitat. Among the birds noted by one careful observer: downy woodpecker, northern cardinal, red-bellied woodpecker, nuthatch, house sparrow, blue jay, northern mockingbird and mourning dove.

        *Here is a list of recyclable materials from the DPW reference guide: aluminum foil and aluminum pie pans, aluminum food and beverage containers, books, brown paper bags, cardboard and paperboard boxes (including cereal boxes without liners), computer printouts, corrugated cardboard boxes, ferrous and bimetal food and beverage containers, glass containers such as jars and bottles, junk mail, magazines and catalogs, milk and juice cartons, narrow-neck plastic containers (other than for motor oil) with ID codes 1 through 7, newspapers (including all inserts), non-metallic wrapping paper, officer paper and envelopes, plastic bags (including grocery bags, newspaper bags and shopping bags--please but plastic bags into one bag...or else recycle any of them in the receptacles at grocery stores), rigid plastics including milk crates, buckets (even with metal handles), laundry baskets, lawn furniture, totes, coolers, flower pots, drinking cups, water bottles, pallets, toys and empty garbage/recycling bins, telephone books, wide-mouth containers such as those for peanut butter, margarine, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, whipped topping, over-the-counter and prescription medicine bottles (remove the ID labels from prescription bottles). More details are available at

    ANC Takes Up Walmart, Klingle & Other Issues

        With Walmart planning to open stores at four locations in the District, ANC 4A gave neighborhood residents an opportunity to hear about the proposed Walmart at Georgia and Missouri Avenues. At the February 15th meeting, residents and ANC Commissioners asked a representative from Walmart a series of questions touching on subjects ranging from traffic concerns to the next steps in the process to the company's plans to benefit the community.
        The proposed store would cover some 100,000 square feet, which is about half the size of many suburban Walmarts. About 40% of the space would be reserved for groceries. The ANC may consider the matter again after the city's Large Tract Review is released. However, commissioners note that ANC approval is not required for the project because the area is already zoned for this type of commercial enterprise.
        Klingle Road
        Also at the February 15 meeting, the ANC voted to send a resolution to the Mayor and City Council on the issue of Klingle Road. The resolution supports keeping Klingle available for its historic use as a public road for the benefit of all of DC. The city continues to try to convert this bypass to Connecticut Avenue into a recreational trail.
        The city is pursuing this effort, even after officials acknowledged in a January release that the right of way is a "street" that was never officially (legally) closed. The city also recognized that the right of way is still "necessary" and that it intends to maintain it. Klingle Road is recognized in the DC code and comprehensive plan as a public "street" that connects directly to ANC 4A08 and is a link to Wards 1, 3 and 4. The ANC resolution urges the city to maintain this public resource and let us use it.
        DC officials have acknowledged that, should the street be converted into a recreational trail, the city will lose federal transportation dollars that are only available if the thoroughfare is maintained for public transportation purposes. The city could even lose the right of way, since the land for Klingle Road was given to DC for use as a public road.
        Other issues
        ANC 4A voted to approve the request of new neighbor for a public space permit to begin the construction of a new home on Mathewson Drive. The project was first raised at the January meeting. The ANC heard no opposition to the request when follow-up was held at the February 15 meeting.
        The ANC also voted to inform the DC Council that it objects to the city's plan to discontinue providing a copy of the DC Register. Commissioners noted that the ANC relies on getting the DC Register--and that the DC Code requires due notice. In the ANC's opinion, posting on-line is not sufficient to track all of the hearings, proposed changes in the law and proposed zoning changes.
        Turning to the schools, Commissioners identified gaining access to quality public elementary education as a high priority. Some of our residents already send their children to Eaton. ANC 4A is urging an official boundary change to make it easier for access for other families to attend Eaton, Murch or Lafayette, as within-boundary schools.
        Redistricting is also on the ANC agenda, as Commissioner look ahead to new census information and changes in zoning.
        ANC 4A meets regularly on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The March 1st meeting will be at Fort Stevens Recreation Center. The April 5th meeting will be at Grace Lutheran Church.
        The Police hold a monthly community meeting for Police Service Area 404 on the 4th Thursday at 7 PM at 801 Shepherd Street, NW.

    Crestwood Crime Report

    Here is the most recent information on crime in our neighborhood.

    From January 1 through January 31, 2011

    Offense Total PSA404 Near Crestwood In Crestwood In Crestwood Mon - Thu In Crestwood Fri - Sun
    Assault 3 1
    Burglary 5 1
    Homicide 1
    Robbery 14
    Stolen Auto 10 1 2 2
    Theft 11 2 1 1
    Theft from Auto 19 2 3 2 1
    Sex abuse 1 1
    Total 64* 8 6* 2 4

    * Data include 2 crimes in December (none were in Crestwood) that MPD had not previously reported. See also the Data Note below.

    Crestwood Crimes By Block:

    Thefts from Auto (3):

    4800 Blagden Av (Thu, 1/6, 11:00 pm)
    4000 16th Street (Tue, 1/4, 6:30 pm)
    4300 17th Street (Fri, 1/21, 12:00 pm)

    Stolen Autos (2):

    4400 16th Street (Sun, 1/2, 4:00 pm)

    Theft (1):

    1900 Shepherd St (Sat, 1/8, 5:30 am)

    Data Note – MPD now reports only “index” (i.e., major) crimes for January and future months. Crimes previously reported as “Other” now include only Sex Abuse and Arson. For Crestwood, this means primarily that Property Destruction and Property Damage are not reported.

    Crestwood & Area Trends:

    -- In Crestwood (16th St. & west), 6 crimes were reported in January, up from 4 from December. Five were auto-related.

    -- Also in Crestwood, all 6 crimes reported in January were “index” (i.e., major) crimes; last month, all 4 crimes reported were “non-index” (i.e., minor) crimes.

    -- Near Crestwood (PSA 404, 14th St. & west to 16th St.), 8 crimes were reported in January, down from (a comparable) 12 in December (4 were on/near 14th Street).

    -- In PSA 404, 64 crimes were reported in January, up from (a comparable) 60 in December. The largest increase was in robberies (up 6, to 14), and the largest decrease was in assaults (down 12, to 3).

    New Rock Creek Paths & Leadership 

        Rock Creek Park is rehabilitating its major trails in our area--and residents are encouraged to participate in the process. The proposed project would include the main multi-use trail along Beach Drive from Broad Branch Road to P Street--as well as the trail along Piney Branch Parkway from Beach Drive to Arkansas Avenue.
        The project involves the National Park Service, the Federal Highway Administration and the DC Department of Transportation.
        While it's too late to be a part of the informational meeting February 23 at the National Zoo, you can provide your written comments through the end of February at or by mail to Austina Casey, District Department of Transportation, Planning, Policy, and Sustainability Administration, 2000 14th Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20009.

    Census Bureau Takes a Snapshot of Crestwood

        What does the population of Crestwood look like? Here is a snapshot, released at the end of last year by the U.S. Census Bureau. These are not figures from the 2010 door-to-door head count, which will be more accurate. They are based on the Bureau's American Community Survey, which sampled neighborhoods across America from the beginning of 2005 through the end of 2009. Because they rely on sampling, they are subject to a margin of error and should be considered estimates.
        The figures below are for Census Tract 26, whose boundaries mirror those of greater Crestwood --including homes from 16th Street to the Park and from Colorado Avenue to the streets overlooking Piney Branch.
        In addition to the survey figures available at, you can access a searchable map of the entire country courtesy of the New York Times at

    Crestwood Population
      Estimated Total: 2,348
      43% Black
      43% White
      6% Hispanic
      3% Asian
      5% Other
      Percentage foreign-born: 13% (no change since 2000)

      Estimated number: 971 (making for an average household size of 2.4 people)
      Income distribution:
      under $30,000   13%
      $30,000-$49,999   6%
      $50,000-$74,999   8%
      $75,000-$99,999   11%
      $100,000-$149,999   20%
      $150,000-$199,999   10%
      $200,000 and above   32%
      Median household income: $140,938 (up 28% since 2000)
      Percentage of households that include same-sex couples: 4%

      Median home value: $842,200 (up 76% since 2000)
      Median monthly rent: $1,026 (up 10% since 2000)
      Percentage of households in which mortgages consume at least 30% of income:
      27% (up 3 percentage points since 2000)

      Estimated population at least 25 years old: 1,783. Of these:
      High school graduates  98%
      Bachelors degree or higher  68%
      Masters degree or higher  38%
      Estimated population of elementary school students: 232. Of these:
      Percentage in private schools: 53%

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