The Crestwood Citizens Association seeks to assist older adults in ways that allow them to remain in their homes safely. For more information or to volunteer to be part of the Aging in Place Team please contact |
The Aging-In-Place Team's goal is to help neighbors become aware of the services needed to continue living in their homes as they age. One such resource that has extensive information is Another from a major non-profit is developed by the National Council on Aging. Home care is facilitated by non-profit organzations as well, such as There are many other services as well that can be evaluated from many organizations. Neither CCA nor this team have done detailed evaluations, and make no promises, but seek to provide sources of information and services to allow you to them proceed with evaluation. The Federal Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living has extensive information -- including on services to assist aging in place For senior services
A centralized database was developed by the federal Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, although much of the input comes from the states and cities. The link is Click on or enter the address below in your browser and a colorful window with photos should appear. (If instead a window appears with the top entry being “New Eldercare Locator Brochure!…..”, click on the first subheading labeled “Eldercare Locator”.) Once you enter your zip code in the large box at the top of the page, you will see a listing of state and local agencies/programs (with contact information) and service providers that are in the area. The listed agencies/programs will either provide services and relevant information themselves and/or they will connect you with other organizations which provide the services for seniors (and the disabled) on issues like health insurance/Medicare counseling, transportation options, housekeeping help, money management help, legal aid, Meals on Wheels, elder abuse, etc. Some organizations - whose websites you then access for more detailed information - are funded by the state (or feds) and function as private nonprofits. Thus they may not have a name that you recognize. The number of providers varies by state or geographic location of course, but every state has at least some department/program responsible for elder issues.
For those interested in finding information about options such as moving to Assisted Living or Nursing Homes, you can find extensive information at , a website created by the residents of DC assisted living facilities and their family members. There is also information on the DC Health Department website: And annual compliance and quality of service audits of all Assisted Living facilities
We are asking that neighbors interested in learning about services (including neighbors who may not have access to the listserv or the Crest), and those who know of or are interested in providing services or volunteering to help, contact us at or 360-317-2283.
Examples of services include, but are not limited to:
For example, the Aging-In-Place Team, as one of its initiatives to assist older adults remain in their homes safely, seeks to connect neighbors that have volunteered to help shovel snow with older adults in the neighborhood that have requested such help.
Please note that this initiative is distinct from and supplements the District's Resident Snow Team.
Crestwood Aging-In-Place Action Team:
Jean Kornfeld
Tyrone Boyd
Jean Cochran
Kathleen Eder
Jackie Jackson
Waveney Bryant
Dallas Salisbury