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FY 18 Budget Priorities – ANC 4A08

The Budget cycle for the Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 18) is underway. The Mayor submitted her proposed budget to the DC Council. The Council is holding hearings and then has about 60 days to approve a final District budget for FY 18. Along with the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, all of us have a role in defining the budget. We can provide our input and recommendations for any major funding needs that we believe are important. In addition, we should highlight the citywide initiatives, programs, services that we support.

As I did last year, as the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for the single-member district (SMD) 4A08, I am providing a written statement on my recommendations.

Residents in SMD 4A08 have voiced concerns regarding whether we will be able to continue to afford to live here or to "age-in-place" in our current homes. The costs of living in DC come in many forms. For many families, there is no guarantee of a free, quality public school education for our children or grandchildren. We face the added costs and anxiety of having to pay for private schools - especially with the potential loss of access to the Deal and Wilson for some families in five years under the new school boundary plan. We need to make sure that the public and public charter schools that serve us are fully funded. This includes funding for Powell Elementary, West Elementary, Deal Middle School and Wilson High School, which serve the residents of SMD 4A08 /Crestwood.

Fear of crime remains a top concern. Our concerns extend to street flooding, potholes, sinkholes, and invasive vines. We also fear the "nickel and diming of DC citizens" with add-on utility fees, fines, and parking restrictions. We suffer from 16th Street gridlock, cut-through speeding traffic, Beach Drive closures, deferred or inadequate maintenance on our streets, sidewalks and bridges, and a less then reliable subway system.

We have many locally undesirable land uses (LULUS) - meaning properties that do not appear to be in full compliance with the DC laws or that are not being used in a way that preserves the public safety and peace. Some of our seniors are concerned that the serenity of retirement is being destroyed by those who are using their properties as rentals or for other non-residential uses. We need better enforcement regarding activities that result in added noise, parking issues, or invite crime. Our quality of life could be compromised if more is not done to protect the safety and tranquility of our residential zones.

Because 4A08 is an environmentally conscious neighborhood, residents are concerned that the Government may not be doing enough to protect the environment or to restore our roads, bridges and infrastructure. Since we are adjacent to Rock Creek Park, we have worries regarding the storm water overflows and the pollution allowed to flow into Rock Creek and Piney Branch Creek. Is enough being done to address storm water overflows or to fix the pollution or erosion near Rock Creek and Piney Branch Creek?

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