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May Events In Crestwood

Fri, April 27, 2018 7:32 PM | Anonymous member
Spring is here, flowers are blooming, and we are excited to announce three great opportunities this May to meet and mingle with your Crestwood neighbors! 

  1. The CCA Green Team is in the process of putting together a Garden Tour on May 12. It is simple to host, just allowing a group of neighbors to walk around your garden for a half-hour or so – and maybe answering some questions about your plantings. We need 4-6 gardens to have a successful tour, and we are still looking for neighbors to offer up their gardens to be on the tour. Ideally, all of the gardens will be walkable from Buchanan St. (which is where the current gardens on the tour are).

    In the past, the tour has been a delightful way to not only see some amazing gardens and enjoy spring in Crestwood, but also to catch up with old neighbors and meet new ones! If you are interested in offering your garden or learning more, please contact Susan Plaeger at
  2. The CCA Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 15 at 7:00 pm at Grace Lutheran Church. We have invited the new MPD Fourth District Commander to meet with us, and we will be discussing an update to the 2007 Crestwood Neighborhood Plan. And, as always, this is a venue for residents to raise any issues or concerns they may have. We'll also be electing a new CCA Board - there will be a vacancy for the position of Communications Director, so if you have been waiting to get involved, now is the time! If you're interested in running, please contact
  3. On Sunday, May 20, lunch is on us! The Mahshie Fazio Partnership is sponsoring a Crestwood Citizens Association Spring Picnic from 1-4pm at The Triangle (18th & Argyle), featuring delicious food from two popular DC food trucks, as well as a free raffle for Annie's Ace Hardware gift cards, and much more! 

    PLUS, We are reaching out to young neighborhood performers to see if they would be interested in performing at The Triangle during the event. Whether your child is in a band, a soloist, singer, performer, poet, or something else - if they would be interested in performing please send a note to If there is enough interest, we will look into putting together an opportunity to showcase their talent! We have a couple of acts so far - but need a few more to make it work!

This website and the Crestwood Citizens Association is supported by the dues of CCA members. Membership has its benefits including access to members-only resources and the knowledge that you are supporting a great neighborhood!

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