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DC Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A

7600 Georgia Avenue, NW, Suite 205, Washington, DC  20012

MINUTES of June 5, 2012 ANC 4A MEETING

Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, NW, Washington, DC

Roll Call:  Commissioners Bennett, Toliver, Whatley, Wilson, Boyd, Kennedy, and Black were in attendance.

Approximately 52 people were in attendance from the community.

Having determined that there was a quorum; Commissioner Toliver called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM.


a.     AGENDA.  Commissioner Bennett moved to accept the agenda of tonight’s meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whatley.  Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

b.     MINUTES.  Commissioner Bennett moved to accept the minutes from the May 1, 2012 meeting.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

c.     QUARTERLY REPORT.  Commissioner Whatley moved to approve the quarterly report from January 1, 2012 through March 31, 2012 with ending balances of $54, 902.26 in checking and $$40, 227.44 in savings.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  Motion passed with Commissioner Black abstaining because she had not seen the petty cash itemization.

d.     Commissioner Whatley reported that after 90 days of no transactions, the ANC 4A savings account status is listed as inactive.  Commissioner Whatley moved to deposit $25.00 in the ANC 4A savings account once per quarter to keep the account active.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bennett.  Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

e.     Commissioner Whatley reported that Wells Fargo has been charging interest on our deposits (~$1.38/month).  To stop this from occurring, ANC 4A must submit IRS Form 147-C to recoup those funds and end the withdrawals.  Commissioner Whatley will provide further details in the coming weeks.

f.      Commissioner Toliver provided the following handouts for the community:

                                               i.     Council Hearings Scheduled Through June 2012

                                             ii.     Summaries of the packets the Office of Planning distributed at the meeting held at Shepherd Park on the small area plan for WRAMC

g.     Commissioner Black had a point of information and provided a copy of a 3-page summary received from the Office of Planning on the proposed regulation changes and accessory dwellings.

h.     Given the multitude of issues coming before the commission, Commissioner Toliver will be calling a special meeting in July to discuss the small area plan affecting Walter Reed and other items.


a.     Renee Bowser (5322 2nd St, NW) appeared before the commission asking for signatures on a petition to get Initiative 70 on the ballot to ban direct corporate contributions to campaigns here in the District of Columbia.  Initiative 70 would not change the right for a corporation to make independent expenditures; it would only ban corporate contributions.  23,000 signatures are needed by July 9 to get it on the ballot.

b.     Michael Sindram (disabled veteran who’s served his country more than most.)

                                               i.     Claims Councilwoman Yvette Alexander took retaliatory action due to his endorsement of Betty Noel by not allowing him to testify at a hearing before the Public Service Commission.

                                             ii.     Provided copy of May 27, 2012 Washington Examiner article entitled “Pepco threatens to impose its own power outages.”  Requests letter from commission concerning the opt-out provision to smart meter installation.

                                            iii.     Docketed Case #12080PA – re:  Pepco.  Pepco filed a motion to dismiss, which he was not given a copy of or the opportunity to respond.  Mr. Sindram requests the commission weigh in on his behalf and ask when he will be given notice and opportunity to be heard.

c.     Keith Holman from the Executive Office of the Mayor reported there will be an unveiling of the memorial plaque of the 2009 Metrorail Crash on June 22, 2012 on the New Hampshire Langley Bridge at 10 AM.  For more information on this and any other matter, please contact him at

d.     Anthony Briggs, President of the Brightwood Community Association reported they are accepting nominations for the positions on the executive board to serve the community for the next two years.  For more information or to express interest, please contact him at


a.     Janine Goodman, President of the Board of Trustees at Jewish Primary Day School appeared before the commission requesting a letter of support for their application for special exemption and variance relief to:

                                               i.     Increase the existing caps on student enrollment from 275 to 300

                                             ii.     Increase the number of faculty and staff from 56 to 72

                                            iii.     Expand the boundaries of the school’s campus

                                            iv.     Increase the number of dedicated self-park spaces from 24 to 48

Commissioner Wilson moved that ANC 4A recommend to the BZA the approval of the position just described.  Commissioner Bennett seconded motion. Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

b.     John Pilznienski, President of Friends of Shepherd Park Recreation appeared before the Commission with a $3,000 grant request to maintain and properly preserve Shepherd Field due to DPR’s lack of resources to do so.

                                               i.     Commissioner Toliver disclosed his resignation from the Board of Friends of Shepherd Park Recreation due to conflict of interest.

                                             ii.     Commissioner Toliver moved for approval of the grant request in the amount of $3,000.  Commissioner Whatley seconded motion.  Motion passed 6-1, with Commissioner Black voting “nay.”

c.      Andre Carley of Concerned Neighbors Inc. appeared before the commission with a $400 grant request for tree box planting along the upper Georgia Avenue corridor.  Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A approve the $400 grant request.  Commissioner Black seconded motion.  Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

d.      Anthony Briggs of the Brightwood Community Association appeared before the commission with a $3,000 grant request for their annual community day on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at Fort Stevens Recreation Center from 11 AM – 4 PM.  Commissioner Bennett moved that ANC 4A approve the grant application for Brightwood Community Day in the amount of $3,000.  Commissioner Boyd seconded motion.  Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.

e.     Tim Shuy, President of the Shepherd Park Citizens Association appeared before the commission with a $2,000 grant request for the 2012 SPCA community picnic on Sunday, June 24, 2012 at Lowell School from 2 PM – 6 PM.  Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A approve the grant application of the SPCA for $2000.  Commissioner Bennett seconded motion.  Hearing no objections, the motion passed unanimously.

f.      Reginald Arno and Paul Hoffman from the District Department of Transportation discussed plans to replace the Kalmia Road culvert.

                                               i.     Pedestrian bridge access will be provided during construction.

                                             ii.     DC Fire and EMS says this closure will not pose any significant threat to the area with the bypass route proposed using Military Road to Oregon to Wise Road on the East side of Rock Creek Park.  The bypass route proposed for the West side of Rock Creek Park is Military Road and 16th Street.

                                            iii.     Work on Military Road will not be done at the same time as Kalmia, but it will be bid out as one construction project.


a.     Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A send a letter of disapproval for the application of the beer and wine license sought by Wow Market at 6226 Georgia Avenue.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Whatley.  Motion carried 4-1-2 with Commissioner Kennedy objecting and Commissioners Black and Toliver abstaining.  Motion carried.

b.     Commissioner Black reported a DCRA permit request to build on an addition at 1731 Crestwood Drive NW, and that there is a plan to have accessory apartments (English basements) throughout the city.

Commissioner Whatley moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  Meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM.


ANC 4A01 Commissioner Karl Kennedy

North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park    

ANC 4A02   Commissioner Dwayne Toliver, Chair

Shepherd Park

ANC 4A03   Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Treasurer

Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood

ANC 4A04   Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Vice Chair 


ANC 4A05   Vacant

Fort Stevens and Brightwood

ANC 4A06   Commissioner Kim Boyd, Secretary


ANC 4A07   Commissioner Dave Wilson

16th Street Heights

ANC 4A08   Commissioner Gale Black

Crestwood, Crestwood North and portions of 16th Street Heights


Respectfully Submitted by,

Kim Boyd (ANC 4A06), Secretary

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